Maison de la Promotion Sociale (FR)

Created in 1966, the Maison de la Promotion Sociale, MPS, is a non profit organization.


·        Training

·        professional orientation

·        professional inclusion

·        training for companies

The MPS is represented in 5 different departments in the Region of Aquitania where training activities are proposed to different target groups

The proposed activities and sectors are:

·        Up skilling

·        Computering

·        Secretary

·        Gerontology

·        Animation

·        Environment


The MPS is involved in the development of European projects for 9 years, working with the different European programs:

·        Equal 1/ project leader of the project SINAPSE/  qualification thanks to ICT

·        EQUAL2/ project leader of the project ANCRE/ reinforcing the training for inmates


·        Linguistic projects / ESBT/ diploma for the professions of the field of tourist

·        INNOSTART: Development of a European network for companies thanks to ICT

·        Mobility projects as hosting and sending organization

·        Grundtvig partnership projects

·        Language Training